Weight loss and wellness for the lazy.

apple to lose weight on a lazy diet

Extra pounds are a problem for many today. The reason for this is usually malnutrition and lack of exercise. But even lazy people can find a suitable way to lose weight, although for this it is necessary to take certain measures and go on a diet. Such weight loss is possible for the lazy, but simple physical exercises are also indispensable here. If excess weight is associated with various diseases, it is recommended to contact a nutritionist so that he can select a special diet without harm to health. In other cases, the question of how to lose weight can be solved by other methods.

lazy diet plan

How to lose weight, quickly lose extra pounds, improve the body? Usually, excess fat negatively affects general well-being and causes various disorders. The lazy diet allows you to solve this problem, but at the same time without serious dietary restrictions. What is common with other diets is that the amount of fried food, flour, sweets is minimized, because it is these foods that contribute to the accumulation of fat.

Before each meal, you need to drink 2 full glasses of still mineral water. 20 minutes after the mineral water can be eaten. You can not drink during meals, the first liquid is allowed only after 2 hours. The scheme of the diet itself is very simple, it is as follows:

  • breakfast menu. First you need to drink 2 full glasses of mineral water. After 20 minutes, you can start eating breakfast. The choice of products is not limited by anything, but you should not get too carried away. It should be remembered that it is during breakfast that the body should receive everything it needs, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to get by on a small piece of cheese. Making too large portions is also not worth it, you can only achieve a bad feeling of overeating, calories will quickly turn into excess fat;
  • broths and meats for lunch. Before dinner, you should also drink mineral water first. It is better to cook broths, boiled meat, vegetable salads. You can not drink, the first sip is allowed only after 2 hours;
  • the scheme of the dinner is not different from the previous meals.

charging for the bums

To lose weight, weight loss exercises are essential that you can do at home. They will not require special efforts, but will have the desired effect, allowing you to get rid of extra pounds. Gymnastics must necessarily be combined with proper nutrition, the exercises themselves must be performed regularly, and not occasionally.

Physical activities can be selected from the following:

  • exercises for the abdominals. It is necessary to lie comfortably on your back, then take a deep breath and slowly exhale, but not through the nose, but through the mouth. The abdomen contracts as much as possible below the ribs, the breath is held for 15 beats. It may not work the first time, but little by little the time increases. Such exercises should be done 8-10, the abdominal muscles are tightened when they are retracted;
  • exercises consisting of walking lying down. It is necessary to lie on the back, the arms are freely stretched along the body. The toes of the legs are extended towards themselves, then movements that mimic walking are performed. Such an exercise can be performed without preparation, it is not limited in time. In this case, not only the question of how to lose weight is solved, but the work of the intestines improves, salts are accelerated, the muscles warm up, blood circulation in the legs improves;
  • limb rotation. These are the simplest exercises that can be done in any position. They consist in the fact that parts of the legs or arms rotate at any angle. You need to repeat them 15 times, perform gymnastics for hands, feet, elbows, knees, ankles;
  • Gymnastics to improve blood circulation. You need to lie comfortably on your back, take a twisted roll of a towel under your head. Arms and legs are raised alternately, after which they need to be shaken. The duration is up to 300. These simple exercises allow you to renew the lymph, strengthen the walls of the capillaries and greatly improve blood circulation;
  • gymnastics for lazy people includes exercises for the press. It allows not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to give the figure attractiveness, to flatten the stomach. In the supine position, it is necessary to raise the legs straight at 45 °. Now they need to make a very slow turn in different directions. Each of those turns should last 30 seconds. For one approach, the number of turns in different directions is 10 times.

All exercises need to be done every day, so it's best to work out a schedule. At first it can be difficult, but with time it is easy to get into a rhythm, gymnastics will not cause any difficulties. It is better to do it in the morning and in the evening, you need to start with easier exercises, gradually moving to complex ones.

Useful tips for the lazy.

In order for weight loss to bring results, you need to follow a few very simple rules that will help you quickly and easily return to normal weight. It is worth paying attention to the following tips.

  1. Good help for regular sex, no matter how strange it may seem. At this time, calories are burned in the same amount as after a 15-minute run. It is a healthy sex that allows you to strengthen the immune system, rid the body of not only toxins, but also many diseases, improve mood. Increased blood flow, which contains oxygen, is stimulated. And this leads to the fact that bad cholesterol begins to burn quickly, that is, weight begins to decrease in the absence of sagging skin.
  2. The TV needs to be turned off more often, because the time spent in front of the screen only contributes to the set of extra pounds, makes the figure ugly and disproportionate. While maintaining the same position, even when turning from side to side, there is a strong pressure on certain cells, and this leads to the fact that fat accumulates quite actively. You can not constantly lie in front of the TV, it is better to go outside, take a walk. It also helps with homework.
  3. When cooking, it is recommended to refuse fat or reduce its amount to a minimum. This can be achieved using even ordinary napkins. For example, before eating a piece of meat, pizza or sausage, you should gently blot them with a paper towel to remove at least some of the fat. Therefore, it is possible to reduce its amount by about 14%. Reviews about this method are positive, it really works.
  4. Food purchases should be planned in advance. To lose weight, it is best to buy vegetables and fruits to cook, and avoid sweets, flour and various pre-cooked meals. If you let go and start eating "harmful" food during weight loss, then extra centimeters are provided in the waist.
  5. Some experts claim that kissing can shed 1kg of weight per month. A single kiss, involving 30 facial muscles, burns 12 kcal. Just 3 kisses a day will lose 1 kg of weight in 30 days.
  6. You need to smile more, even lazy people can do it. Good humor has a positive effect on general well-being. Bad mood, depression become the reasons why cortisol begins to be actively produced - a hormone that provokes the accumulation of fat, that is, the body begins to actively produce reserves for a difficult period.

More liquid and fresh air

drink water on a lazy diet

Weight loss is all about moderation when eating, so portions should be small, then snacking won't be a problem. Experts advise using such a complicated trick: a very small plate is taken so that even a small amount of food seems large. This visual trick allows you to feel full even with a small portion.

Before going to bed, you need to open the windows, that is, organize good ventilation. If you sleep in a slightly cool room, the body begins to produce not white fat, but brown fat, that is, the body begins to spend calories to heat the body. The same applies to food. If you drink cool or cold water before eating, then the body, instead of accumulating the calories received from food, begins to spend them on heating cold water. The method is simple, but losing weight is much easier and more effective.

The amount of liquid in the diet should be large. 15 minutes before the start of a meal, you should immediately drink 2 glasses of water, but you should not drink during meals. The first sip is allowed only after a couple of hours. Immediately after a meal, only a small cup of coffee without sugar is allowed, but broths can be consumed during meals. The rule is simple, but the method of such weight loss for lazy people allows you to reduce weight by 5-8 kg in 2 weeks, which is unlikely with other diets.

How to lose weight without harming health? This question worries many. Some are too lazy to follow a strict diet and don't exercise at all. This leads to the fact that the weight only increases, and the general condition worsens. It is for such lazy people that special techniques have been developed that allow you to lose kilograms without much effort. However, this does not mean that you can just sit in front of the TV without following the rules of nutrition, and the weight will go away. Any weight loss requires at least minimal measures and efforts.